Thursday, October 18, 2012

Holo If You Hear Me

After seeing so many flawless swatches of the Laylo Holographic Effects polishes, I knew I had to get my hands on them.  So after a little bit of time in my financial prayer closet, I pulled the trigger and purchased Mercury Twilight, Flash Black, Mermaid Spell and Ultra Violet through

I began brainstorming how best to let the holographic goodness overwhelm my friends and neighbors and knew I wanted to do some kind of "reveal".  Not an entire manicure of it, god no.  The bottles are tiny, one, and I don't want to cause traffic accidents from seared corneas, two.

A cursory glance told me to use Ultra Violet first, and tape off some bits over a dark purple.  So off to the Melmer I went, and grabbed the first purple that shouted up to me.

Zoya Monica with Layla Ultra Violet in segments
Let's not talk about the edges, okay?  Plzthxbye.

It's not enough to tell you that the holo sparkles; it RADIATES.  Even with my crap camera I was able to capture some of the rainbow effect, and this is in window light.  In full sun, this baby is a diamond, and I am completely in love.

I'll be using and re-using this polish collection over the coming days, including an idea for a Halloween manicure which I have to try and will likely push on you way before the 31st.

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