Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Challenge - Lights!

Black thread, which I used to represent the actual string in my string of lights, is a bit more cumbersome and, let's just say it, hairy, than I had anticipated.

But all told, I'm pretty pleased with what I was able to produce for today's challenge, Christmas Lights!

Pretty cute!

There is absolutely no correlation with the strings from nail to nail.
It's in the notes for next year, though.

Clark Griswold would be proud.

I laid lengths of black thread over two coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, a not-quite-white white, and cut the ends close to the nail bed with cuticle nippers.  I pressed it, ever so lightly, into the base and brushed a layer of topcoat over, to set it in place.  I then used a small-ish dotting tool to apply random circles of Zoya Blaze (Red), Zoya Logan (Green), China Glaze Lighthouse (Yellow) and China Glaze Dorothy Who? (Blue).  I really wanted the polishes to sparkle by themselves, since they are the highlight and are supposed to be glowing anyway.

I look forward to using unconventional materials in future designs, I'll just be sure that they've had a haircut or shaving of some sort before moving forward.

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